Plant Profiles

Limnophila brownii

Live freshwater plant Limnophila brownii - Darwin River Ambulia for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Limnophila brownii - Darwin River Ambulia. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Limnophila brownii
Darwin River Ambulia

Limnophila brownii, commonly known as Darwin River Ambulia or Native Ambulia, is a versatile aquatic plant that serves as an excellent alternative to the commonly grown Limnophila sessiliflora. This plant is a native to Australia and is widely found in waterways and swamps in the Northern Territory, Queensland, and Western Australia. Limnophila brownii is an undemanding plant that is easy to care for, making it a popular choice among both beginner and experienced aquatic plant enthusiasts.

The plant has thin, feathery leaves on flexible stems, create a fluffy look. The leaflets are finer than those of Limnophila sessiliflora, and are light green in colour. Under high lighting conditions, the growing tips of the plant may take on a reddish hue. In optimal conditions like in ponds with high light and CO2 levels, the crowns of this plant can get up to 10cm wide! In the aquarium in normal conditions, it is fairly comparable to Limnophila sessiliflora however.

One of the advantages of Limnophila brownii is that it does not require high lighting or nutrient-rich substrate to thrive. A moderate light level and regular fertilisation is sufficient to keep this plant healthy and growing well. This plant can also tolerate a wide range of water conditions, including temperatures between 13 and 30 °C, a pH range of 5 to 8, and water hardness between 2 and 15 dGH. It is also known to be a fast grower, making it ideal for providing background coverage in an aquarium.

When adding Limnophila brownii to an aquarium, it is best to plant the stems individually, spacing them a couple of centimeters apart to allow for adequate growth and spread. The plant propagates by runners and through stem cuttings, which can be taken and replanted to create additional plants.

Overall, Limnophila brownii is a great aquatic plant choice for aquarists who are looking for an undemanding, native alternative to Limnophila sessiliflora that can add depth and texture to their aquarium. Its unique feathery appearance and ease of care make it a nice addition to many planted aquariums.

Requirements and information



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