Plant Profiles

Ammannia capitellata

Live freshwater plant Ammannia capitellata - Nesaea triflora for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Ammannia capitellata - Nesaea triflora. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Ammannia capitellata
Nesaea triflora

Ammannia capitellata, also known as Nesaea triflora, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for stem plant. With its oval, yellow-green leaves and succulent red stem, it is a wonderful addition to any aquarium. This plant is fast growing and relatively undemanding, making it a popular choice for aquarists of all skill levels.

In ideal conditions, Ammannia capitellata develops a striking colouration with its bright red stem and yellow-green leaves. The contrast between the two colours is visually stunning and is sure to draw the eye in any aquarium. However, even in lower light conditions, this plant still grows well and maintains its green colouration.

Ammannia capitellata is an excellent plant for aquarists who are just starting with planted tanks, as it is relatively easy to care for and it is the most forgiving out of all the Ammannia species. It is also a great choice for aquarists who are looking for a colourful, fast-growing plant that will quickly fill in the background of their aquarium.

With proper care, Ammannia capitellata will thrive in a wide range of aquarium setups. It prefers moderate to high lighting and benefits from regular fertilisation. This plant also appreciates the addition of CO2, but it can still grow well without it.

Overall, Ammannia capitellata is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant that is sure to bring a pop of colour to any aquarium. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this plant is a great choice for a healthy and vibrant planted tank.

Requirements and information



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