Plant Profiles

Sacred Lotus

Live freshwater plant Nelumbo nucifera - Sacred Lotus for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Nelumbo nucifera - Sacred Lotus. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Nelumbo nucifera
Sacred Lotus

Nelumbo nucifera, the Sacred Lotus, is a beautiful aquatic plant best suited for ponds or large biotope tanks. An Australian native, this plant is highly sought after for its unique green, waterlily-like leaves that float on and rise above the water's surface, and its stunning wide, pink flowers that bloom in the summer.

The Sacred Lotus is an ideal plant for larger ponds or tanks, as it can grow quite large and requires a lot of space to mature. In aquariums with medium lighting however, it should stay in its juvenile form with small floating leaves. It does best under high lighting or in direct sunlight, making it an excellent choice for tropical outdoor ponds. With the right care and conditions, the Sacred Lotus can reach up to a meter above the water in height and spread several feet wide.

As a fast-growing plant, the Sacred Lotus requires regular pruning to prevent it from overtaking your pond or aquarium. However, this also makes it an excellent choice for those looking for a plant that will quickly fill in a large space. Additionally, the plant is not too fussy about water conditions, making it relatively easy to care for.

As a tropical species, the Sacred Lotus needs warm water to thrive - however, it also has the ability to go dormant in cold climates as long as it is already established in the substrate. In this situation, all leaves die back in winter and re-emerge once temperatures rise again. If you're looking to add a touch of native, tropical beauty to your pond or water garden, the Sacred Lotus is an excellent choice.

Requirements and information



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Very Tall

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