Plant Profiles

Najas tenuifolia

Live freshwater plant Najas tenuifolia - Native Guppy Grass for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Najas tenuifolia - Native Guppy Grass. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Najas tenuifolia
Native Guppy Grass

Najas tenuifolia, also known as Native Guppy Grass or Water Nymph, is a beautiful and versatile native aquatic plant found in Australia. With its fine and fluffy leaves, it provides a great shelter for shrimp and fry, making it an excellent addition to any aquarium.

It can be grown either rooted in the substrate or as a floating plant, depending on your preferences. When grown rooted, it will produce numerous stems from the base and create a dense bush of foliage that can fill in the background of the aquarium.

Native Guppy Grass is a relatively easy-to-care-for plant as long as it is provided with moderate lighting and medium to hard water. CO2 injection is rarely nessesary when grown in harder water. This species can even tolerate slightly brackish water. When grown under optimal conditions, it will produce lush, green foliage that adds a natural, vibrant touch to any aquascape. It is also a great plant for improving water quality by absorbing excess nutrients from the water.

This plant is perfect for aquarists who want to create a natural-looking or native aquarium. Its soft, delicate appearance adds a unique and graceful texture to the aquascape, and its fast growth makes it a great choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists. It is also a great plant for breeding fish and shrimp with its dense foliage providing plenty of shelter.

Requirements and information



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