Plant Profiles

Ottelia ovalifolia

Live freshwater plant Ottelia ovalifolia - Swamp Lily for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Ottelia ovalifolia - Swamp Lily. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Ottelia ovalifolia
Swamp Lily

Ottelia ovalifolia, also known as the Swamp Lily or Water Poppy, is a beautiful aquatic plant native to Australia. With two distinct growth forms, it can add an interesting look to your pond or aquarium. The mature form looks a bit like a small water lily, with a rosette of floating, slightly succulent egg-shaped leaves 2-16 cm long, on petioles up to 60cm long. This form is best suited for ponds, where delicate white and yellow flowers will be produced above the water's surface. The submerged form has long, green, strap-like leaves that look similar to the leaves of another native species, Blyxa aubertii.

One of the benefits of Ottelia ovalifolia is its ease of maintenance, being much less demanding than Ottelia alismoides. The submerged form can be easily kept by simply trimming off any floating leaves if they appear. This plant likes a slightly acidic pH of around 6.0-7.0, but will grow in most water parameters. It grows well between 18-30°C, but can also tolerate very cold climates where it has more of an annual growth habit. It prefers moderate to high light levels and a nutrient-rich substrate. CO2 injection can also help to promote healthy growth and longer leaves in the submerged form.

Ottelia ovalifolia is a stunning and easy-to-care-for aquatic plant that can add a unique, native element to any aquarium. The floating leaves provide shelter for fish and other aquatic creatures in the pond, while also creating shade which can reduce algae.

Requirements and information



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