Plant Profiles

Aquarius 'Red Ozelot'

Live freshwater plant Aquarius 'Red Ozelot' - Echinodorus Red Ozelot for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Aquarius 'Red Ozelot' - Echinodorus Red Ozelot. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Aquarius 'Red Ozelot'
Echinodorus Red Ozelot

The classification of this plant, along with almost all other 'Echinodorus' grown in the aquarium hobby, has recently been revised - these plants now belong to the new 'Aquarius' genus.

Aquarius 'Red Ozelot', commonly known as Echinodorus Red Ozelot, is a beautiful aquatic plant that is popular among aquarists for its colourful appearance and undemanding care requirements. It is a cross of Aquarius x schlueteri and Aquarius 'Barthii'. The plant has a compact and relatively small size compared to other Aquarius cultivars, making it ideal for smaller aquariums.

The Red Ozelot Sword has elongated leaves that grow up to a maximum of 30 cm in length when mature. The leaves have a beautiful tan colouration with red-brown spots and veins. Under high light conditions, most of the younger leaves can develop a deep red colour, which adds a stunning contrast to the older leaves.

This Aquarius cultivar is undemanding and relatively easy to care for. It prefers a nutrient-rich substrate, moderate to high lighting, and regular fertilisation to promote healthy growth and colouration. It is also tolerant of a wide range of water parameters, including pH, temperature, and hardness.

Like many aquarium plants, the Red Ozelot Sword helps to oxygenate the water, absorb excess nutrients, and provide hiding places and spawning sites for fish and other aquatic organisms. This beautiful and easy-to-care-for rosette plant can add variety to the aquarium with its bright colours and leaf patterns. Along with its low maintenance requirements, this makes it a popular choice among both novice and experienced aquarists.

Requirements and information



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