Plant Profiles

Aquarius 'Devil's Eye'

Live freshwater plant Aquarius 'Devil's Eye' - Echinodorus Devil's Eye for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Aquarius 'Devil's Eye' - Echinodorus Devil's Eye. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Aquarius 'Devil's Eye'
Echinodorus Devil's Eye

The classification of this plant, along with almost all other 'Echinodorus' grown in the aquarium hobby, has recently been revised - these plants now belong to the new 'Aquarius' genus.

Echinodorus Devil's Eye is a popular hybrid of Aquarius uruguayensis 'Horemanii Red' and Aquarius 'Barthii'. It is considered to be a medium sized Aquarius that will grow up to 20cm in height. Its leaves are broad and lanceolate with distinct red leaf veins. With good lighting, a bright red, net-like pattern appears on the leaves, which makes this plant stand out in any aquarium. This gradually changes with age to become a light green leaf with a bright red colouration along the edges and veins.

Echinodorus Devil's Eye is a relatively easy plant to care for and is suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists. It thrives in a range of water parameters, including a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, and a wide range of water hardness. This plant prefers moderate to high lighting conditions and benefits from the addition of CO2 supplementation. In optimal conditions, it can grow quite quickly and old leaves may need to be pruned regularly to keep it under control.

Like many other aquarium plants, Echinodorus Devil's Eye is also beneficial to the aquarium ecosystem. It can help to absorb excess nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates, from the water, which can improve water quality and reduce the risk of algae blooms. The plant also provides a hiding place for fish and other aquatic creatures, making them feel more secure and reducing stress levels.

When adding Echinodorus Devil's Eye to an aquarium, it is important to plant it properly to ensure that it can establish itself and grow well. The plant should be planted deeply enough so that its roots are covered by substrate, but its crown should not be buried. With the right care and maintenance, it can thrive and provide a beautiful and functional addition to any aquascape.

Requirements and information



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