Plant Profiles

Myriophyllum dicoccum

Live freshwater plant Myriophyllum dicoccum - Giant Watermilfoil for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Myriophyllum dicoccum - Giant Watermilfoil. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Myriophyllum dicoccum
Giant Watermilfoil

Myriophyllum dicoccum, also known as Giant Watermilfoil, is a beautiful and unique native Australian display plant that can add a stunning touch to any aquarium. As the name suggests, this plant is larger and wider than most other Myriophyllum species, making it an excellent choice for creating a lush, bushy background or midground centerpiece.

The leaves of the Giant Watermilfoil are thin, feathery, and arranged in whorls along the stem. In medium light, this plant develops a red growing tip close to the stem, radiating to a green-brown toward the ends of the leaves. In lower light they are typically green in colour, and in high lighting most of the plant takes on a bright red hue. This vibrant red colouration can add a striking contrast to the greens of other aquarium plants, making it an excellent centerpiece.

Giant Watermilfoil is a hardy plant and can tolerate a wide range of conditions. However, it looks best under moderate to high lighting which will bring out the best colours. The addition of CO2 will improve growth and make the leaves even longer - up to 10cm in diameter! It is a fast-growing plant that requires regular pruning to maintain its bushy, full appearance.

When planting Myriophyllum dicoccum, it is important to ensure that the plant is properly anchored in the substrate, as it is prone to becoming uprooted in strong currents. Additionally, the plant may shed leaves if water nutrient levels are poor, or if the water gets too cold. It is quite tolerant of water parameters like pH and hardness.

Overall, Myriophyllum dicoccum is an excellent choice for aquarium enthusiasts looking to add a unique and eye-catching plant to their tank. Its beautiful feathery foliage and striking colouration make it an excellent centerpiece addition.

Requirements and information



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