Plant Profiles

Leptodictyum riparium

Live freshwater plant Leptodictyum riparium - Marsh Feather-Moss for fish tanks and aquariums Large bunch or portion of aquatic plant Leptodictyum riparium - Marsh Feather-Moss. Aquarium plant with fast delivery across Australia.
Leptodictyum riparium
Marsh Feather-Moss

Leptodictyum riparium, commonly known as Marsh Feather-Moss, is an undemanding and fast-growing native Australian moss suitable for both cold and warm-water aquariums. It is truly cosmopolitan and is known from every country, with a worldwide distribution apart from Antarctica. Leptodictyum riparium grows vigorously in all directions, similar to Java Moss. This species is often mistakenly sold as 'Stringy Moss', which is actually Drepanocladus aduncus.

Also known as Streamside Leptodictyum Moss, Marsh Feather-Moss flourishes best in nutrient-rich water with moderate lighting. While it can grow in low light, it will grow best in medium to high light areas in the aquarium. This species can tolerate a range of water conditions, including high carbonate hardness, a pH from 5 - 8 and temperatures from 4 - 28°C. Its adaptability makes it suitable for various aquarium setups, and it is particularly well-suited for biotope tanks.

This moss can be attached to hardscape elements such as rocks or driftwood, forming long, lush strands that extend out into the water. Compared to the similar looking Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri), Leptodictyum riparium grows longer and narrower strands that tend to grow up into the water. Under higher lighting it grows denser and tends to creep along surfaces.

Marsh Feather-Moss is ideal for aquarists looking to create a natural, unkempt aesthetic in their tanks, and makes a fantastic natural hiding space for fry and shrimp. Regular trimming is recommended to maintain its shape. This versatile moss also grows well emersed on moist surfaces, making it a great choice for paludariums and terrariums.

Requirements and information



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